You find in this category, all our frozen fish.
Some products are available depending on the season, feel free to contact us for more information.
This category includes all our frozen pelagic fish :
Spotted seabass Canary dentex Capitain fish Golden grouper Goatfish Sharpsnout seabream ...
This category includes all our frozen demersal fish :
Spotted seabass Canary dentex Capitain fish Golden grouper Goatfish Sharpsnout seabream ...
The bluespotted seabream, scientific name Pagrus coeruleostictus, belongs to the family Sparidae. It has a voluminous head and a compressed body , It has 6 incisors of every jaw,with round molars and 5 longitudinal lines gilded on the side line
Canary dentex, scientific name Dentex canariensis, belongs to the family Sparidae, and has an upper profile of head a red spot charged later at the doe of dorsal fin.It has small mouth and teeth extremely powerful, a flattened and compressed body
Dogtooth grouper, scientific name Epinephelus caninus, are demersal fish, belonging to the family Serranidae. They have a massive body, a voluminous head with a wide lower jaw which exceedson the front the upper jaw. their eyes are small and ,seals wear three thorns and the posterior edge is pinked.
Dusky grouper, Epinephelus guaza are demersal fish ,belonging to the family Serranidae, They have a thick head, prominent eyes, oval and massive body covered with small scales and an unique dorsal fin.
European pilchard, Sardina pilchardus, are pelagic fish belonging to the family Clupéidé.they have a body lengthened with a silvery white stomach, a slightly blue back with dark spots, thin and rather big scales.
Golden mullet, scientific name Liza aurata , are pelagic fish belonging to the family Mugilidae. They have a tapered body and wide covered with large scales, a large head, eyes protected by adipose eyelid, golden spots on the cap, a small mouth.
Great barracudas , scientific name (Sphyraena barracuda) , are demersal fish, belonging to the family Sphyraenidae. They have a lengthened body, a large-sized lower jaw and teeth in the shape of fang.
Hake, scientific name Merluccius merluccius, are demersal fish belonging to the family Merlucciidae. They have a body lengthened and grey, two big dorsal fins and of an anal fin, a big mouth, sharp and well developed teeth.
Horse mackerel, scientific name Trachurus trachurus, are pelagic fish from the family Carangidae They have a spindle-shaped and compressed body, a greenish back, Big Eye, a very protractile mouth, a greenish back with dark blue green reflections, a black spot above the pectoral
Medeiran sardinella, Sardinella maderensis, are pelagic fish from the family ClupeideThey have a striking stomach, pectoral superior whites on the outside side with a black membrane in the middle. they differs from the round sardinelle by their 7 rays on pelvic fins and their grey tail fin.
The Portuguese sole, scientific name: Synaptura lusitanica, are demersal fish belonging to the family soléidés.There body is flat and oval, there pectoral fin and has a black spot in its extremity.
The Red pandora , scientific name Pagellus bellottii, are demersal fish belonging to the family Sparidae.They have a slightly convex head, dorsal fin wide and joined to the tail fin, spherical and clear eyes . Their color is reddish grey, sometimes a little bit pinkish.
Ribbon Fish, scientific name Trichiurus lepturus , are semi-pelagic fish belonging to the family Trichiuridae. They have an elongated and compressed body, a very long dorsal fin, a large head, low pectoral fins, a mouth in advanced military elongated teeth.
Round sardinella , scientific name Sardinella aurita, are pelagic fish belonging to the family Clupeidae. They have a body lengthened with a white stomach silvered without any spot, a blue-green back, thin and rather big scales, a yellow golden horizontal line cuts sides in two.
Rubberlip grunt, scientific name Plectorhinchus mediterraneus, are demersal fish belonging to the family Haemulidae . They have an oval compressed body, a relatively small head, a long snout, small mouth slightly oblique, a dorsal fin with 11-12 spines and 17-19 rays, an anal fin with 3 spines and 8-9 rays.
Sand sole , scientific name Solea lascaris, are demersal fish belonging to the family soleides.There are known by their flat and oval body , small size , clearer color firing at the yellow.
Senegales sole, scientific name Solea senegalensis, are demersal fish belonging to the family Soleidae.Their body is flat and oval,there are recognized by their completely black pectoral fin.
Slender rockfish, scientific name Scorpaena elongata, are demersal fish belonging to the family Scorpaenidae.They have a body less thickset than that of the other rockfishs , a reddish back, a wide mouth, scraps of skin at the level of thorny fins and the head.
Atlantic bonitos , scientific name Sarda Sarda coeruleostictus, are pelagic fish belonging to the family Scombridae.They have a sharp head with a wider mouth , a body oval and compressed laterally and a dark blue lined back.
Tonguesole, scientific name Cynoglossus, are demersal fish belonging to the family Cynoglossidae.Their body are flat and they are recognized by the presence of eyes on the left-hand side and an unclear caudal fin.
White grouper, Epinephelus aeneus, are demersal fish belonging to the family Serranidae. They have a elongated grey-greenish body , sometimes brown. There are recognized by Three white lines, two at the back of the eye, and the third in the jaw.